Here is the new Rasmussen Report Republican Presidential Poll.
For you Ron Paul Fans, compared to one week ago Ron is up 2 percentage points.
Mike Huckabee is up 1 point.
Rudy is down 4 points.
John McCain is up 4 points. (Could he be about to stage a big comeback? How do Ron Paul's fans explain John McCain's increased popularity since he stands for all that Ron Paul opposes?)
Today's report:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mike Huckabee still on top nationally in the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. It’s Mike Huckabee at 23%, Rudy Giuliani 17%, Mitt Romney at 15%, Fred Thompson at 13% and John McCain at 13% (see recent daily numbers). Ron Paul currently attracts 7% of Likely Republican Primary voters nationwide.